In the world of pet ownership, pet grooming and pet veterinary care, there’s just as much room for rescued animals as there is for animals bought from a breeder.
Why? Because they all have teeth and they all have needs. Different types of dogs are suitable for different types of owners, but no matter where you found your dog, he or she doesn’t care where they came from, just as long as they’re smothered with love and care.
Another thing dogs don’t care about? Where their leashes come from. Or where their doggy beds were made.
People spend obscene amounts of money on pet products like bejewelled cat doors and mink fur coats for their pets. Or a crystal cat house for $32,000! Seriously, cats, you’re giving pets a bad name! Wait, there’s a dog tiara on that list for 4.2 MILLION dollars.
Seriously check that link above, those items are real.
Got $3,000 to spend on a gold-thread pet mattress? No? Then head to Upcycled Canine and buy a durable, comfortable dog bed made with natural, reused pet products.
Wait, you do have $3,000 to spend on your dog?
Here’s a better idea: donate it to a dog shelter.
Supporting Local Goods & Services
Let’s stop talking about money, I’m getting dizzy. Another key benefit to buying reused pet products is the relationship you can build with local companies, like our pals at Upcycled. Independently owned pet shops have a vested interest in helping animals because it has a distinct effect on their bottom line. These companies go the extra mile to please their customers because they deal with them face to face. The organic human interaction is priceless.
That’s not to say you can’t be friends with the clerk at the chain pet store downtown, but you’re not going to get the same quality of care with someone who’s going to make a sale whether you show up or not.
With local independent retailers, you can ask about the origins of the materials and you can see exactly who’s making the products.
When it comes to the chain store, who knows where those collars were made? Scarier still, who knows the age of their makers?
The Environmental Impact
Climate change is a reality we’re all faced with whether we like it or not, but it can be tough to make a significant difference to the future of our planet. After all, it’s a big place.
We can, however, make a significant difference to our own small corner of the world. We recycle containers and packaging, we compost our food waste and we pack our groceries in re-usable bags – so why stop there? Buying reused pet products is just another way to shrink our carbon footprint. Even if you’re not keen on buying something used by another dog, buying products made of recycled materials is still a good way to minimize your impact on the environment.
Dogs Don\’t Care About Money
People care about money.
I know, sorry to belabour the point, but there are better ways to spend your money than superficial pet products. Buy them organic food or buy yourself a vacation home with a huge yard instead. Your pet will appreciate that more than a diamond-studded leash.
Your pet only wants to be loved and cared for. If you buy them a leash, bed or collar created with recycled materials, they won’t know it’s been recycled.
But you will, and so will your planet.